Gila Wilderness Drop Camps
For those who want to explore the Gila Wilderness on their own without the burden of a backpack, we offer a drop camp service. Our drop camps are very popular with those who are experienced and comfortable being out on their own. Those who use this service have their own camping equipment, personal gear, and food.
We pack you and your equipment into the Wilderness and return for you on a prearranged date. This is an affordable way for you to enjoy the Wilderness without backpacking. You will be furnished with a saddle horse for the ride to your campsite and pack mules for your equipment. If you are unsure of the area, we will listen to your expectations and assist you with planning your ideal campsite.
$300.00 - $600.00 per person, depending on distance and number of guests. These rates include guide, horse, and pack mules. * Prices do not include State and Federal taxes, which are additional.
Drop camps are also available for hunters who enjoy the challenge of hunting on their own. Contact us for more details.
"Leave only footprints, take only memories."